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    KerimTheTURK : beni de ondan hic sevmezler
    BART3ND3R : OMG! look who is here , it is latinogreeneyes08
    Serhattt86 : adamlar sohbette zaten konuyu hep Atatürk'e çekiyor
    KerimTheTURK : benim de tabi sen gibi icim disim Ataturk oldugu icin ,
    Serhattt86 : köpekler dilene dilene zengin oldular biz fakir
    KerimTheTURK : hemen de tesbit ediyo ibnelre
    wof669 : brb...need something harder to drink....a refill i meant...and a smoke...
    wof669 : <grins>
    Serhattt86 : Bak sana yemin ediyorum
    RoofussClayTiles : Mav was the black kid from movie.....”Little Rascals”
    buster251 : wb pupo bro top lad
    senioreng : disgusting turks ruiend the site
    TheEarthisFlat1983 : lol
    KerimTheTURK : oyle yerden giriyolarki, yani imkani yok kimse bana farkli bisey soyletemez mesela Ataturkle ilgili
    Serhattt86 : mezun olduğum gün THY ve Türk Telekom'a hemen gir dediler
    CampersTrails : Sometimes all we can do is kick the dirt off our boots on One flat Earth and gone to the next train to portray the reality in its simplest terms so that even the dumbest round earther COULD understand!
    CampersTrails has just logged out
    irishpuppy : Ty gofa mate
    KerimTheTURK : yani kendini gizleyemeyecegin kadar taktik giriyo ibneler
    buster251 : delayed typeing hehe
    TheEarthisFlat1983 : that's right camp
    buster251 : yw brother puupo bro
    senioreng : earthflat u lucky dont live near turks
    senioreng : they r the smelliest bunch in the middle east
    Serhattt86 : ben bunlarla aynı sofraya oturmadım diye cemaatin piçiyle kavga etmiştim
    TheEarthisFlat1983 : i thought india was
    Serhattt86 : maklubeciler
    KerimTheTURK : Turkey is not Middle East tho
    KerimTheTURK : its minor Asia
    senioreng : india is south asia
    TheEarthisFlat1983 : do they have toilets in turkey?
    senioreng : minor asia is in the middle east
    Serhattt86 : Ama Allah büyük , elbet bunların katlettiği adalet birgün beni de bulacak
    RoofussClayTiles : lold
    KerimTheTURK : no earth, we shit on arabs' faces
    TheEarthisFlat1983 : i bet kerim has a bidet
    KerimTheTURK : Allah isini bilir hocam, veyse hic kapilma
    buster251 : andburha bazo you can see dadieos hut on googles map in india haha the dot haha
    KerimTheTURK : Allah haklinin dostudur biliyosun
    buster251 : burmha
    RoofussClayTiles : It’s a bubbler
    TheEarthisFlat1983 : what's wrong with arabs?
    TheEarthisFlat1983 : seem calm enough
    senioreng : lol minor asian = hahaha low self esteem turk dont wana be called middle eastern
    senioreng : always suffer from identity crises
    KerimTheTURK : that's exactly the problem with arabs, too calm
    Serhattt86 : adalet diye diye ömrüm tükendi yaş 38
    senioreng : arabs look down on turks @flat earth
    TheEarthisFlat1983 : them long white robes, hard to keep those clean in the desert u know
    senioreng : we see them subhumans