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    teapea2 : tokey gekco
    teapea2 : tokay gekco : h : Advice on Cresties? : hi all : hi : hey : someone be alive im boreed : hi
    Munsonburner : hello
    Munsonburner has just logged in : HELLO : I HAVVE A QUESTION ABOUT SNAKESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS : HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO : THE INTERNET IS NOT BEING HELPFUL RIGHT NOW : Like every reptile chatroom is dead god : If anyone ever comes on I'd love to talk about anything really I just to know someone who : has interest in reptiles and I can share pictures of my babies two, and vice versa : too* : And discuss care tips or as I said earlier anything really : My skype is silberstarz, instagram qki.kobe and email : hit me up yo : if anyone ever comes on : Hello?
    Munsonburner has just logged in : hey : i have a ? on my iguana : let me know when someone is here : anyone on?
    MoshingGingers : Hello
    MoshingGingers : Anyone on
    MoshingGingers : Hello
    MoshingGingers : Aye
    MoshingGingers : Message me if anyone knows about Turtles. I havr 3 red sliders and got a few questions
    MoshingGingers has just logged out : Hello : Guys can you help me with a bearded dragon problem? : uhj : hello? : hey guys : hi : anyone here? : hello
    Adamanteus : hello
    Adamanteus has just logged in
    Beardiefrog423 : hi
    Beardiefrog423 : anyone here?
    leopardgecko : since this thing is not really active, if any of you need help or want a more active chat if you have discord i have one here: : can i keep my 2 female leopard geckos together ? ps they are sisters
    Annamarisa : Warning. This site may contain Nude photos of a person from your city, possibly a friend of yours -