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    HowrsePlayer : hi! : hi! : hi : Hii : Hi : irgendjemand noch da?
    Creed15 has just logged in
    Creed15 : howrseplayer
    Creed15 : Howrse player
    Creed15 : HowrsePlayer : any purebred thoroughbred breeders for howrse? : hi im a purebred thoroughbred breeder im looking for a stallion to cover my mare : shes 4 years old strawberry roan named millie just birthed her first foal 9 months ago : so shes raring to go again! preferrrably a light coated stallion : lt, now i want lighter foals. i know im picky. purebred ONLY : hi :
    LazyCoffe : anyone looking for a female unicorn? only 1 year and 6 months
    LazyCoffe : I also have a ton of retired GAs and Regular GAs.
    LazyCoffe : Find me on the American server under LazyCoffe : I am looking for a cheap uni I have none :(
    NeonLights15 : Hi?
    NeonLights15 : Anyone? :( : Hiya :3 : Is anyone here? : Hello? : Okey, bye then : Find me on the Aus server under Bonnie_Lea
    Fendi23 has just logged in
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    Annamarisa : Warning. This site may contain Nude photos of a person from your city, possibly a friend of yours -
    Adventures27 has just logged out