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Log In : can anyone help me i get really bloated in the legs why?? MY THIGHS LOOK SO MASSIV : I have also lost a ton of weight starving for 3 days then eating little amounts , and now ive : strech marks apear really obvious now
    Laurynnichole : Does 300 calories seem like lot? : hi : hello :) : anyone here?
    beccaboo9 : hi
    beccaboo9 : is 150 alot of calories for the day? even when i exercise as much as i can? i think it is. i feel so guilty : hey guys : hello?? : anyone here? : hello
    midnayb has just logged in : hi
    Jadediamond22 has just logged in
    Jadediamond22 : hi : hey : hey anyone want to chat with me? everytime im here no one is... i need an ana buddy.. im : able to email or text... you can contact me @ : my name is barbara... : hey : whats up anyone here : hey : anyone here : guess not : bte : bye : then
    meganisawsome : hey
    meganisawsome : someone message me : you got kik? : hello anyone thee? : there? : hey : ehy : is anyone here anorexic? : hey : yes i am]
    ShameOnMe1 : I need badly a coach/trainer! Kik: JustAMusicLover
    moshforlife : hi
    DontEat09 has just logged in
    DontEat09 : Hi : hey : hello : is anyone there?
    princexz : hey : oh hi : is aynone there
    Annamarisa : Warning. This site may contain Nude photos of a person from your city, possibly a friend of yours -