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Log In : So no one is here but I need to feel like I'm talking to someone, even if it's no one. : I feel like I am in love with my best friend, we've known eachother for years but recently I've : started to feel something that I never have before : well that's not exactly true, I've felt it on and off for years now : she's a girl and I am too but she's straight and I'm not attracted to any other girls : sometimes I feel like I'm attracted to her or that I want to kiss her or something but I don't : think I'd ever actually have sex with her. It's strange : But I feel like I'm in love with her because I never get tired of being with her I want to hug : her and be cute-sy together and I want her to feel the same way about me : it almost aches and it makes me want to cry at times : but I don't understand any of it and I'm so alone, so extremely alone. : I could never talk to anyone about this because no one I know would understand . : I don't even understand it. I'm attracted to guys and not to girls but with just hurts : I'm so alone : even in this chatroom : but it was kind of nice getting that off my chest : I hate this feeling : I just want it to go away : what am I even doing : I wish... : I hate myself for this : I don't know why but I do : Wow, I wonder when guest 113 was here... : well, sometimes people fall inlove with people despite not usually being sexually attracted to : that sex : hating yourself is only there because you feel like you are betraying that : friendship by harboring secret feelings; or adleast thats what I think : but who knows, maybe im wrong. I did find this chatroom after all : Yaknow, dates/times wuld be usful in a chatroom... : *would : 4/22/14 10:30pm eastern time (US & canada) : there, cheated the system : ?
    beccapiki6 has just logged in : Is anyone online? : I guess no one's currently online ...? : Anyone? Anyone at all? : hello? : Hello? : hi : hi : Hello? : heloo : i am on line : hi : anyone here? : Hello : hey