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    Kaydrama : hi : to japanese women u all koo about being livers with females dang im wondering : hello girl : you kool about females wow : fabout female lovers i mean love : thers a name there but a strange box wont let me see it clear : oh lord i dint know you a man baby my bad sorry dang didnt mean to ofended sorry love : its i dont get japanese speech but it sounds sexy : u live in japan love or here in chicago : anyone there : really did i make a mistake noone answers hmmm i wonder : japanese race nice but certain thing i dont agree raping of women you know : is it day over there here is night : illtry later okay : saw it whos kadrama : kaydrama hello : you all sleeping my bad
    evolution23 : asa akira
    Friendorfoe : I would love a Japanese lady for love and marriage ,if you interested pm me xxx
    Annamarisa : Warning. This site may contain Nude photos of a person from your city, possibly a friend of yours -