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Log In : reborn mothers : hello : hjkl : ff : hi : is this the reborn room z/
    twilight213 : hello : hi
    Meggytheeggy has just logged in
    Meggytheeggy : Hello.
    Meggytheeggy : I am looking for a place where I can talk to reborn parents and collectors. I am new, so if i posted about this already thanks for reading it again!
    Meggytheeggy : I believe this is a chat room for anyone collecting reborns, and I read that others may want tips. Being a somewhat beginner collector for a while I have a couple I learned. If you're taking your baby out, you can turn its head to the side or put a cap on
    Meggytheeggy : its head to make it look even more real. I also take a diaper bag with me and some rattles and other toys.
    Meggytheeggy has just logged in
    Meggytheeggy has just logged in
    Meggytheeggy has just logged in
    Meggytheeggy has just logged in