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Log In : hey
    Skelemelon : hello?
    Skelemelon : Anyone here?
    Skelemelon : Sigh : HELLO : same I am looking for tips : heey
    nicolee1991 : hey?
    foodisposion : well eat breakfast : hi
    mothermary101 : hello
    mothermary101 has just logged in
    mothermary101 has just logged out
    THiniStHEgAMe has just logged in
    THiniStHEgAMe : Hey
    THiniStHEgAMe : i need help losing weight
    THiniStHEgAMe : or just tips
    THiniStHEgAMe has just logged out
    paris1989 has just logged in
    paris1989 : hey its been a while since i been on here how is everyone
    needhelpx : anyone on?
    skinnykitty333 : hi!!
    skinnykitty333 : is anyone on still??
    gingerlulz : hey
    gingerlulz : i havent eaten today and feel great
    gingerlulz : so proud of myself
    gingerlulz : what do yall do when you wanna eat something : hii : i have the same problem : I would like to learn how can I lose weight : because at night I always eat a lot : and I cant control it
    constantlythinkinfat : hello?
    Leonidas7 : 5
    amanda1863 : i need to loose more weight have any tips? : hey
    calbog4476 : i have been trying for a while and i am thinking u need to slowly stop eating
    Dalton484 : Hi
    Dalton484 : You eat a little less each time then the pounds shrink away but you must excersize.
    MDElife : I always have a problem eating at night i get through the morning but i like binge when iget home
    mrquiller1000 has just logged in
    mrquiller1000 has just logged out : ana room?
    princexz : Hey!
    princexz : Anyone here?
    TheBrokeAngel : Hello anyone here
    TheBrokeAngel has just logged in
    mrquiller1000 has just logged in
    lizthinspo : hey
    lizthinspo : i have that same problem when i binge at night too