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Log In : Im going to be a senior and im having an epiphany. Ya see my dream is to be a successful actress and yes i know it is very very difficult. I dont tell my fam or friends cuz th : can someone help me : hey : is this room empty? : hi : I need advice about convincing my mom to let me date this guy that ive liked and been with : for a whole year : as friends : I asked her last summer if i can date this guy and she said no that we should just be friend : and see if we still like each other and she already met his family : and loves his parents and him : i got to know him and she got to know him for an entire year : and me nd him still have strong feelings for each other and we want to date : but my mom thinks im to insecure and immature to date but i think im ready and im turning : 15 soon : i need advice quick
    theghostguru : hi i need advice
    theghostguru : can anyone help me please?
    HelloBro2013 : hello
    HelloBro2013 : :(
    HelloBro2013 : ?? : hello? : My 7 year boyfriend left me hanging after our argument. It's been 3 weeks and he doesn't respond to any of my calls, txt messages and emails. We live together 2nd friday of the : what should i do : hello : Hey : Can someone please help me? : I need advice for something about my girlfriend : i needhelp : hello? : yeah? : hello : :/ : i need helptoo : anybody here now? : hello????
    sara611 : hello anyone :)
    sara611 has just logged out
    sara611 has just logged in
    sara611 : so...
    sara611 has just logged out : hello : anyone home in here : hi : I need advice : im herre : hello : ?
    BamaFever2015 : Hello i need some serious advice right now