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Log In : Anyone in here? : hello : guest 69 : yes : ... : hahahaha : xxxxxxx : hello : hi guys : ya'll bitches : no more talking about freaken bullying again : hate all of you peoples : and shut the HELL UP : if you want to know why people bully, it is in our nature, more at : If someone ever needs a person to talk to, a hand to hold....please contact me I will be there : hey : hi : hi : hi : hey anyone need help : JI do... : Hi
    riyria has just logged in
    CagedRose : Hello
    jobywan has just logged in : hello : niggerfaggot : hey : whos sick of getting bullied? : i know how to help. : hello : ? : I have a bad bullying story that happened yesterday : Anyone ever been given a hanging wedgie? Im 14 btw : i im new : hi : hi hi : hi hi hi hi hi hi im new
    elliemurfiin has just logged in
    chathour : has been banned from this chat room. : who wants to tell me his/her story? : anyone here
    josmith0178 : Hey I was first bullied 1 year ago since today. I'm 15,5 years old and everyone is bullying me because I take good grades and I like school.. I'm very sociable and I have alwa
    josmith0178 : I'm bullied because I take good marks.. I can't do this anymore. : hi : yo? : any chizl here? : is this the Matrix? : Hi my name is Neo, i'm 9 years old and looking to be used by large men..