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    ConstantlyJake : Very true
    knotmegood : when is zonkpunch gonna drop another banger fr
    ConstantlyJake : Damn I haven't seen any of those in a long ass time
    knotmegood : i love his work
    knotmegood : it's so hot
    ConstantlyJake : There's another good animator named Dacad that does really nice stuff :o
    knotmegood : i'm check their work rn o:
    ConstantlyJake : Bet :D
    knotmegood : really nice work, just a shame he doesn't do more hetero stuff :c
    ConstantlyJake : Oh yeah it's mostly gay
    ConstantlyJake : I forgot it was almost all dudes
    knotmegood : LOL
    ConstantlyJake : Uhhh Dimwitdog is good
    knotmegood : it's all good, i appreciate his work
    knotmegood : ima lookie
    ConstantlyJake : Derpixion obv
    knotmegood : man all their hetero stuff is anal tho :/
    ConstantlyJake : Yeah people love their anal
    knotmegood : derpixion is okay...not super into their stuff
    ConstantlyJake : Idk many more. Most stuff I follow isn't animation
    ConstantlyJake : Yeah the mime one is good but I haven't watched other ones
    ConstantlyJake : I'm now realizing that most of the stuff I watch is gay
    ConstantlyJake : Damn
    knotmegood : nothing wrong with that
    ConstantlyJake : I'm just a dirty little homo u.u
    knotmegood : boykisser deluxe
    ConstantlyJake : YOURE DAMN RIGHT
    ConstantlyJake : Girls are also good
    ConstantlyJake : Buy boys
    ConstantlyJake : Do not buy boys
    ConstantlyJake : But*
    knotmegood : i will buy them in bulk
    ConstantlyJake : Don't do it
    knotmegood : but but..
    knotmegood : i want..
    ConstantlyJake : We're not allowed to buy people anymore >:C
    ConstantlyJake : Oh. Eipril isn't bad
    ConstantlyJake : It's usually pretty soft hetero stuff
    ConstantlyJake : Brolaren too
    ConstantlyJake : That's all I got
    knotmegood : need to get me a bad dragon toy :3
    ConstantlyJake : Do it :o I know people love those things
    knotmegood : i wonder if they make any that vibrate, now that would be neat
    ConstantlyJake : I think they would
    ConstantlyJake : They make some that cum and like do some weird thing with eggs
    ConstantlyJake : I looked it up just now and they do have some that vibrate
    knotmegood : Def want the ones that cum :3 and omg yayy!
    ConstantlyJake : HELL YEAH WHOO
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