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    bambiandfriends : that fucking freak!!
    TightLilGirl : hello :3
    xHunteroftheNightx : Bambi, are you pmsing?
    xHunteroftheNightx : I really the only one in this chat? O.O
    xHunteroftheNightx has just logged out
    VixenDreams has just logged in
    Grizzlywolf : :3
    TinWuTheBountyHunter : drops my bag and looks around the room with a sigh~ "Oh master, how this chat used to
    TinWuTheBountyHunter : be so lively, now look at it." sighs and pats the dusty wall~
    TinWuTheBountyHunter : drops a rose infront of HuskySnowpaw door and kneels down saying a prayer~
    TinWuTheBountyHunter : picks my bag up and walks away~
    Grizzlywolf has just logged in : hi
    chathour : has been banned from this chat room.
    Dearpenis : hello
    Dearpenis : anyone here
    Dearpenis : hey
    Dearpenis : hello
    Dearpenis : hello : hi
    saiyanpanther has just logged in
    saiyanpanther : Sai was here! ^-^
    saiyanpanther has just logged out
    MisterThirdles : wow, people sure do get banned form thewse furry rooms alot
    MisterThirdles : why the fuck is that you supose?
    MisterThirdles : because of these insane mother fuckers who pretend that they are animals maybe?
    MisterThirdles : its a sad sad sad sad world I tell you!
    xDiasFlac : Get out you faggot.
    SLiTHERS has just logged in
    bloodxangel has just logged in
    TylerBlnt17 : Hey guys how are you doing?
    Luketheoneguy : yooo havent been here in a while
    ShyyWolfCub : H-hello..
    ShyyWolfCub : H-how is everybody?..
    ShyyWolfCub : anyone, here?
    Azeno : woah where did everyone go?
    klyu has just logged in : Hello? : hi
    corythewusky has just logged in
    corythewusky : um?
    Si1ver : ?
    BasedBaphomet : Is this the place I use to hear about?
    ickypoof has just logged in
    PuppyLove96 : hi
    karasuni has just logged in
    EcronNevex has just logged out
    NaughtyWolfy has just logged in
    Annamarisa : Warning. This site may contain Nude photos of a person from your city, possibly a friend of yours -
    Jaxxx28 has just logged out