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Log In : if you are there : batti un colpo : no? : hey : hi
    kateep : hello? : hello
    kario21 has just logged in : hi all
    milan001 : i am hear for a lttle while if anuone wants to talk about their break up... : hi : anyone want to talk about their break up ? : Hsa. : Hi : I feel so lonely and drepessed :( : Anyone here want to talk : hi : hii : me and my bf broke up yesterday, i feel kinda lost and depressed ... :/ : I would like to talk about my recent breakup : I understand how you feel, I am not necessarily depressed I just am in shock
    johnniec25 has just logged in
    Brii25 has just logged in : hey : anyone on? : I am currently going through a long distance breakup. I was with my boyfriend for a year and a half… he ended it with me at the end of February, just after I got back from : so...empty chat room? : same here
    Sethy181 has just logged in
    Sethy181 : anyone here ?
    Sethy181 has just logged in : hello : hi : hey : hi : Hello.I am a therapist.I have a Master Degree in Counseling.Are you interested in doing therapy? : Anyone here talking about a breakup? : I am a therapist : Are you interested in doing therapy? : hi : Me and my ex boyfriend (who dumped me after a year because he felt like he didn't have the same feelings anymore) are still texting every day. Like normal (not relationship related)
    Romeo554 has just logged in : yep : hello : hello? : anyone here? : hello anyone here
    Christina8009 has just logged in : anyone here?