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    BlazeDragon003 : *Kisses you and gets more romantic*
    JennaBean365 : *kisses back* Nooooo ur just doing that to make me happy.
    BlazeDragon003 : *Starts getting horny and you can tell*
    JennaBean365 : *grabs ur dick* Horny much?
    BlazeDragon003 : *Gasps and nods slightly*
    JennaBean365 : *kisses you then lets go and strips and gets in the stream* heh sexy
    BlazeDragon003 : *Pulls you h
    BlazeDragon003 : Out and kisses you more*
    JennaBean365 : *kisses back and wraps around you*
    BlazeDragon003 : *Feels your vagina slide onto my dick and I begin to go back and forth rapidly*
    JennaBean365 : *moans* mmm daddyyyyy
    BlazeDragon003 : *Goes as hard as I can*
    JennaBean365 : *moans loudly* YASSS
    BlazeDragon003 : *Makes sure I never cum*
    BlazeDragon003 : *Goes unbelievably hard*
    JennaBean365 : *screams then cums*
    BlazeDragon003 : *Stops and turns back into a dragon walking off*
    BlazeDragon003 : *Growls and disappears*
    JennaBean365 : *growls* Did i just. *walks home* all i am is a sex toy
    BlazeDragon003 : *Lays down* All she is... Is a sex toy... Why did I think she loved me...
    BlazeDragon003 : *Growls and punches the ground shaking the earth*
    BlazeDragon003 : *Goes to the portal*
    BlazeDragon003 : *Growls* people dont need me.. *Walks through*
    BlazeDragon003 : *Closes it*
    BlazeDragon003 : *Lays down at my old nest*
    BlazeDragon003 : *Slowly passes as an egg sits in my nest*
    BlazeDragon003 : *Egg sits there for years*
    JennaBean365 : *is getting kidnapped and uses ur scale* help...
    BlazeDragon003 : *Nothing happens*
    JennaBean365 : *realizes it wont work* welp ima die.
    BlazeDragon003 : *Is already dead and years go by*
    BlazeDragon003 : *Egg begins to crack*
    JennaBean365 : ....*sits there tied up to a bed gettin raped*
    BlazeDragon003 : *Crawls out of it and decides not to help*
    BlazeDragon003 : *Decides not to go throigh the portal at all*
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    Kingdrago : Hi
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