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    Proud420Furry : Oh? What does he have?
    redfox14545 : he has asthma i believe but it doesnt make him cough up blood..
    Proud420Furry : *swabs up the blood putting it in a vile* I'll study then then.
    ThatEnglishfox : It's not asthma, it's my ribs *coughs*
    Proud420Furry : Ah. I got what you need then. one sec. *walks into a different room*
    redfox14545 : rolls eyes and cuddles bay
    redfox14545 : murrs
    Proud420Furry : *walks out with a jar containing something that looks like a kidney in a green liquid* Eat this
    redfox14545 : e-e
    redfox14545 : growls at u-
    Proud420Furry : Shut up and have him eat it.
    ThatEnglishfox : No
    ThatEnglishfox : *stands up* in ok now
    redfox14545 : he has 3 broken ribs..
    redfox14545 : thats not going to fix it -.-
    Proud420Furry : It'll heal any injury you have.
    ThatEnglishfox : No
    Proud420Furry : I bought it from a witch doctor in tibet.
    ThatEnglishfox : I don't want it
    redfox14545 : throws it out the window-
    redfox14545 : growls
    Proud420Furry : .-.
    ThatEnglishfox : *sits*
    redfox14545 : he just has pain once in a while it doesnt need fixing
    redfox14545 : growls at the dude-
    Proud420Furry : *glares* oh bite me.... Wait... don't.... I think that last bite gave me an infection...
    redfox14545 : my fur turns red-
    Proud420Furry : *sits on the couch pulling out a red bottle drinking it*
    ThatEnglishfox : *my fur turns black as I lay down*
    redfox14545 : i growl still
    ThatEnglishfox : Babe, calm down. It's ok now
    Proud420Furry : *tosses a bag of berries to them*
    redfox14545 : rolls eyes
    Proud420Furry : Those are normal berries.
    redfox14545 : -i eat one then glare at you- why do u want a pet fox anyway..
    ThatEnglishfox : *cuddles bae*
    Proud420Furry : They're fun.
    redfox14545 : uhh do u know how much trouble a pet fox in real life is
    redfox14545 : i used to own a fox in real..
    redfox14545 : -starts to cry-
    ThatEnglishfox : *holds bae close*
    redfox14545 : calms down a bit
    Proud420Furry : I had a wolf.... that's about the most exotic pet I've had besides snakes.
    ThatEnglishfox : *kisses her deeply*
    Proud420Furry : (shit. gtg. ttyl)
    redfox14545 : kisses back then glares at the guy- yeah well u didnt have to suddenly give up ur fox
    redfox14545 : -i sigh-
    Proud420Furry has just logged out
    redfox14545 : -dabs into room- xD
    redfox14545 : whats up xD