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    BriantheDeserter : (Pffffff)
    LeonDragan : //Let's be honest. We know how this will end.
    BriantheDeserter : (Fair enough. You can start I need to get back into the swing of things)
    LeonDragan : //Uh, no.
    LeonDragan : //You've done this more recently than I have.
    BriantheDeserter : (No, I definitely have not)
    LeonDragan : //You most certainly have.
    LeonDragan : Wait. I have a better idea.
    lnfinite : (Just go with your intros.)
    BriantheDeserter : (Da fuq is that?)
    LeonDragan :
    lnfinite : (Character descriptions.)
    LeonDragan : We both know what that place looks like. That way, logically all we need is our intros.
    BriantheDeserter : Tfw links don't work.
    BriantheDeserter : Perfect, Damien.
    BriantheDeserter : But still, you'll go first.
    LeonDragan : Just type it, you lazy cunt.
    LeonDragan : And ugh
    LeonDragan : You always make me go first.
    LeonDragan : You submissive shit