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    Sparkgold : I should sleep
    LisiTheChicken : lol
    LisiTheChicken : what time is it where you are??
    Sparkgold : 8:11 AM....
    LisiTheChicken : o
    LisiTheChicken : it's 10:13 here
    LisiTheChicken : (am)
    Sparkgold : so, like, Michigan?
    LisiTheChicken : Wisconsin
    Sparkgold : sounds like a lame place
    Fajar2001 : hello lisi
    LisiTheChicken : Hey
    Fajar2001 : 10:19 PM
    LisiTheChicken : :P
    Fajar2001 : you're 12 hours ahead of me
    Fajar2001 : talk about comic here?
    LisiTheChicken : yea
    LisiTheChicken : lol
    Fajar2001 : what comic?
    LisiTheChicken : actually
    LisiTheChicken : you're ahead of me in time
    LisiTheChicken : andd we've been talking about X-men,
    LisiTheChicken : and Black Widow...
    Fajar2001 : i just like the movie
    LisiTheChicken : Black Widow should get her own movie...
    Sparkgold : comic books have way better stories than movies
    Fajar2001 : where I can find the comic on the internet?
    Sparkgold : the movies are overrated
    Sparkgold : idk where to find comics on the internet
    LisiTheChicken : You can probably buy comics on Amazon or ebay or something
    LisiTheChicken : idk
    LisiTheChicken : I get my comics from a Librarry
    LisiTheChicken : *Library
    Sparkgold : Marvel and DC are big companies so I think they know how to get rid of illegal scans
    Sparkgold : that are public on a search engine
    LisiTheChicken : ok?
    Sparkgold : the Green Goblin I want to know more of
    Sparkgold : he seems kinda lame
    Sparkgold : but I know he's not
    LisiTheChicken : hm
    Sparkgold : I'm gonna sleep
    LisiTheChicken : I've only seen him in the Spiderman movie from 2002
    Sparkgold : yaaaawn
    LisiTheChicken : oh ok
    Sparkgold : ?
    Sparkgold : whoops lol
    Sparkgold : good night
    LisiTheChicken : g'night lol
    Sparkgold has just logged in