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    Mikkvh : hi
    relyt1002 : hey
    relyt1002 : sorry had to go do laundry
    Mikkvh : ok
    relyt1002 : have you broken up with the duchebag
    Mikkvh : whats duchebag?
    relyt1002 : it just means jerk but worse
    Mikkvh : oh lol yeah
    relyt1002 : if you lived near him would have had sex with him
    Mikkvh : hell no
    Mikkvh : brb
    relyt1002 : k
    Mikkvh : im back just helping mom
    Mikkvh : u there?
    relyt1002 : sorry was making lunch
    relyt1002 : gtg be back around 2:00
    Mikkvh : hey TT
    Mikkvh : bye talk to u tomorrow
    relyt1002 : k
    relyt1002 : I may not be able to talk again anytime soon but I will try
    relyt1002 : can I get your number?
    Mikkvh : i dont have a phone.
    relyt1002 : can you send pics on this site
    Mikkvh : here in chathour?
    Mikkvh : i got new pic
    Mikkvh : u there?
    Mikkvh : hey??
    Mikkvh : tyler,tyler r u here?