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    Rahdbaan : wassup?
    MorticiansDaughter15 : Hey
    MorticiansDaughter15 : Nothing much you?
    Rahdbaan : same. do you have a facebook?
    MorticiansDaughter15 : ya but my family is all over it xc
    Rahdbaan : ok,... whats wrong with that?
    MorticiansDaughter15 : im 16
    Rahdbaan : nvm. i sounded like a creeper just then, didnt i,... sorry bout that?
    MorticiansDaughter15 : lol i dont mind you
    Rahdbaan : you dont mind me, or do i have a facebook?
    MorticiansDaughter15 : you can look on my fb i guess
    Rahdbaan : whats your name?
    Rahdbaan : hello?
    MorticiansDaughter15 : sorry im here
    Rahdbaan : k. u ok?
    MorticiansDaughter15 : no
    Rahdbaan : whats wrong?
    Rahdbaan : hello?
    MarktheMC : Hi!