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    GearTheArbok : /////////////////////////o
    GearTheArbok : -passes out-
    GearTheArbok : ...
    thedukes2 : -lies on your side-
    GearTheArbok : -eventually wakes up and coils around you body-
    GearTheArbok : 
    GearTheArbok : So...
    GearTheArbok : -starts eating you-
    thedukes2 : im tired dufe
    GearTheArbok : -swallows happily-
    thedukes2 : -smiles-
    GearTheArbok : -nuzzles the large bulge in his stomach-
    GearTheArbok has just logged out
    thedukes2 : -snores softly-
    GearTheArbok has just logged in
    GearTheArbok : -I grin at the frind sleeping in my stomach. I start to slither along,avoiding rocks and stuff for him-
    GearTheArbok : *friend
    thedukes2 : -i moan in your sleep and my cock unsheaths-
    thedukes2 : in my sleep
    GearTheArbok : (No.)
    thedukes2 : ill be on ims, im really tired
    GearTheArbok : k
    thedukes2 : nighty night if i fall asleep baby i love yoyu
    GearTheArbok : Dude im just arbok -_-
    thedukes2 : you like me though
    GearTheArbok : I do...
    DrGingerbread : Hello? Anyone here?
    DrGingerbread has just logged in
    Superstorm22 : Anyone around? :)
    GearTheArbok : 
    GearTheArbok : 
    GearTheArbok : 
    GearTheArbok : 
    GearTheArbok : 
    GearTheArbok : 
    GearTheArbok : 
    GearTheArbok : 
    GearTheArbok : 
    GearTheArbok : 
    GearTheArbok : 
    GearTheArbok : 
    GearTheArbok : b
    GearTheArbok : 
    GearTheArbok : 
    GearTheArbok : Your here?
    Sorcerery : Are you a magic user
    GearTheArbok : Not realy
    GearTheArbok : wait how long have you been there o.o
    Sp0iledRich : Anyone who wants to be eaten, please come to me.