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    Jhyne : "Hi everyone.. I just need someone who are fond of sharing experiences. please join on my chat room,
    Jhyne : Hi nram1223, thanks for joining on my chatroom.
    James407cute : hoiii
    susantha50 : hello
    susantha50 : helloooooooooooooooooooooo
    Jhyne : okay...susantha..\
    Jhyne : Jhyne...that's how they called me..
    Jhyne : oh yah too..
    Jhyne : what's gonna be our topic,..
    Jhyne : experience from ?
    Jhyne : slow from what?
    Jhyne : hello...
    susantha50 : typing mu english is not well u try to underastan me pls
    susantha50 : ok u tell me ar u open
    susantha50 : hellooooooooooooo
    Jhyne : are u in italy?
    Jhyne : no..
    Jhyne : how's ur day?
    Jhyne : No, i don't like,,,why"u don't have work?
    susantha50 : to day i have to after12
    Jhyne : what is ur work?
    susantha50 : what kind experiance ar u need
    susantha50 : resturant
    susantha50 : ar u working
    Jhyne : yAH..I was not able to report coz i'm not feeling well..just stay at home to take rest..
    susantha50 : u r slow westing time
    susantha50 : now ar u along
    Jhyne : yah..i'm alone..
    susantha50 : u need take good sex fun
    Jhyne : definitely noooo.
    susantha50 : ok buye
    Jhyne : okay..thanks..:-) : hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii