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    HappilyDiapered1 : Hi All!
    HappilyDiapered1 : LOL, there was a list of personality preferences...tried to check
    HappilyDiapered1 : Guess no one is interested in this type of chat, lol
    AbusedPanties : >.>
    Creggles : i am baby
    AbusedPanties : GUUGUU
    AbusedPanties : I MADE A DEBBY IN MY PANTIES ):
    HappilyDiapered1 : lol, hi all
    AbusedPanties : Lets have filthy baby sex.
    HappilyDiapered1 : maybe not?
    AbusedPanties : This is why you're still a virgin.
    AbusedPanties : Still on the tit. Hmmmm?
    HappilyDiapered1 : Ok, should be a fun place here
    HappilyDiapered1 : and, what's wrong with breasts for you?
    HappilyDiapered1 : OK...this isn't a place for abusiveness, etc.
    HappilyDiapered1 : WHAT!!??? these aren't my words.
    HappilyDiapered1 : holy cow, of course no one should abuse another in word
    HappilyDiapered1 : Some folks enjoy wearing a diaper. So, accept all
    HappilyDiapered1 : lol, enjoy breasts n all...accept all
    HappilyDiapered1 : well...conversation...anyone?
    HappilyDiapered1 : AND...why the abuse above?
    HappilyDiapered1 : Let's talk n have fun
    Pantied16 : Hello
    Preston1964 : hi love diapers
    Preston1964 : hi