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    Kelyanelfprince : walks in nervously"Am I allowed in here?"
    MiddyTheVampire : yes you are
    MiddyTheVampire : you are the first one here :D
    Kelyanelfprince : He smiles"Thank you"He gave a slight bow.
    MiddyTheVampire : any time
    Kelyanelfprince : "Well I belive that mess in furry was a misunderstanding,I was talking about throwing snakes in
    Kelyanelfprince : the game of dragon's dogma
    Kelyanelfprince : and next moment before i could explain i was banned
    MiddyTheVampire : what the
    Kelyanelfprince : oh well
    MiddyTheVampire : you just need to under stand furrys and animes are like the same
    Kelyanelfprince : that's why i got banned,just explaining the situration to you.
    MiddyTheVampire : we cry we are happy we are angry and all that
    Kelyanelfprince : i was OOC at that)
    MiddyTheVampire : it is ok i now
    Kelyanelfprince : i had no ideal anoy was a snake,i'll tell him i'm sorry and have you explain it to you.
    Kelyanelfprince : huggles.
    Kelyanelfprince : middy can i add u?)
    MiddyTheVampire : * hugs you * ok
    MiddyTheVampire : yes you can :)
    Kelyanelfprince : to my freind list)
    Kelyanelfprince : ty)
    Kelyanelfprince : He smiles"Do you know my mom?"
    Kelyanelfprince : "Her name is Anna"(XxDarkxAngelxGirlxX)
    MiddyTheVampire : i think i do
    MiddyTheVampire : do you have a picr you should get a anime picr
    Kelyanelfprince : I will find a pic)
    MiddyTheVampire : yay
    Kelyanelfprince : huggles.
    MiddyTheVampire : * hugs you *
    Kelyanelfprince : (i could rp sly cooper even though the name won't be changed ^_^)
    Kelyanelfprince : (tempting)
    MiddyTheVampire : lol ok
    Kelyanelfprince : i want to draw him he's pretty cool i'll admit.)
    Kelyanelfprince : the game is fun you should try it one day)
    Kelyanelfprince : He smiles at Middy"So what kind of animal are you?"He was curious.
    daddynmastervampwolf has just logged out
    MidnightBlossom : hiyya