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    GhOzT : hello
    frddrstlvr01 : uh...
    frddrstlvr01 : hi
    frddrstlvr01 : I guess this is better, my fb was going nuts with notifications. lol : whose in here? : you could always turn the notifications off
    h0yle has just logged in
    h0yle : this chat room is an fucking fail lol : weird
    italianxtcygrl : this is disturbing
    h0yle : wait, whose that?
    GhOzT has just logged in
    h0yle : sup Ghost, i think its just us meng lol
    GhOzT : yeah
    GhOzT : people arent bright
    h0yle : lol, there was a chick here earlier, no clue who the fuck she is
    GhOzT : that was Tara
    GhOzT : damn they talk about having a chat and aint no one closing out
    h0yle : lol, fuck it man, dont give up, it'll kick off, give it time. Rome wasn't built in a day man
    mrn414 : i hear crickets chirping. anyone here? : what up