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    itsCrystal09 : HI!
    txsam21 : hey how are you?
    itsCrystal09 : good
    txsam21 : thats good happy turkey day :)
    txsam21 : im Sammy I am 24 from texas
    itsCrystal09 : happy turky day to you im crystal from louisiana
    txsam21 : oh cool my bro lives there.. :) i was there this summer
    itsCrystal09 : thats cool
    txsam21 : yea so whats up what are you up to?
    itsCrystal09 : nm u?
    txsam21 : just watching football and about to eat yay..
    itsCrystal09 : i ate already
    txsam21 : yea lucky lol...
    itsCrystal09 has just logged out
    txsam21 : so is that you in the pic? oh would you like to chat on yahoo messenger ;)