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    LOvErGiRL0321 : hey
    nwguy555 : hi
    nwguy555 : you in calgary?
    LOvErGiRL0321 : yes
    LOvErGiRL0321 : well if you want to know more about me just drop your skype or yahoo so we can get to know each other :)
    nwguy555 : sorry no yahoo and skype well on couch, PS3 and thats on my roomie's comp ,
    nwguy555 : would still love to know more
    nwguy555 : the skype is on my roomie's comp , im on my PS3, is what i meant
    nwguy555 : is this another one of those fake accounts with a gorgeous chics profile pic? so many going around
    samm1234 : hi
    samm1234 : what your skype id?
    samm1234 : add me skype sam mark
    camhayer01 : hey hows it oging
    camhayer01 : going
    luvgoingdown : hi
    roney4707 : h
    roney4707 : hi every one
    roney4707 : my yahoo id is
    asdf08 : hey all
    asdf08 : anybody home? lol
    cgyrhino : hi
    cgyrhino : hi lovergirl