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    HollyCD : Hello...
    swimfan35 : hello Holly.
    serjuoo : hello
    HollyCD : hi
    HollyCD : I was looking
    HollyCD : How are you
    swimfan35 : I am hoping you have some face pics, Holly.
    HollyCD : Trying to figure this site out
    swimfan35 : I am looking for a passable CD.
    cedar87 : hi
    HollyCD : Hi baby
    HollyCD : I'm passable in a darker are.
    HollyCD : Im okay, not G Girl looking all the way but pretty sexy for a CD
    HollyCD : Im in St Louis
    HollyCD : Where is others from?
    HollyCD : Hi cedar
    HollyCD : swimfan I'm sexy, might not be passable but fun, 4 sure
    HollyCD : Hello?
    HollyCD : AM I here alone?
    HollyCD : Well, guess I'll leave room.. seems no one here...