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    Shymew : Hey all!!!!
    Shymew : :3
    slyleopard : Heya
    Shymew : yay
    Shymew : ur the first on
    slyleopard : :3 sweet
    Shymew : i figured since the other one is so might be nice
    slyleopard : Yea, i agree
    slyleopard : lots of fluff on the other chat, hard to keep up a chat
    Shymew : what do u meAn fluff?
    slyleopard : non important stuff, other conversations
    Shymew : ah cool so what u doin? *purrs loudly sitting on couch*
    slyleopard : -shrugs and looks over- just got home from work, just relaxing now
    Shymew : same here *lays on ur lap my tail wrapped around me*'
    slyleopard : -scratches lightly between your ears- I do work in the morning tomorrow, so i wont be on super late
    Shymew : *purrs loudly* well i dont think we can do what we wanted to anyway...
    Shymew : there is people over
    Shymew : :P
    slyleopard : I am a patient cat -leans down to nuzzle your cheek-
    Shymew : *licks ur nose*
    Shymew : good
    slyleopard : What are you up to tonight? Are they your friends visiting?
    Shymew : dinner n such n friends of the family
    slyleopard : I qactually skipped dinner so far tonight.. i may run off to grab a bite before bed later on
    Shymew : *gets up n makes a ham n cheese sammich n soda n brings it to u*
    slyleopard : -watches you go curiously and then accepts it all with a smile, laughing- You are too sweet
    Shymew : ....what can i say? i take care of somone i like :3 *blushes hiding behind my hair*
    slyleopard : -lets my tail curl over around your waist as i take a few bites-
    Shymew : *smiles laying on the arm of the couch*
    Shymew : **watching u enjoy sammich*
    slyleopard : So how was your day? -cracks open the soda after a few more bites-
    Shymew : good ig.....missin u
    slyleopard : Heh, yea, I was thinking about you a bit during the day as well
    Shymew : what about me?
    slyleopard : Just what you were up to, about what we had planned at the time -chuckles-
    Shymew : *giggles hiding face* and?
    slyleopard : -smirks, setting the soda down and nipping at your ear with a whisper-