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    rts617 : we agree
    RevMaryDaniels : but God will give you strength
    NoBiz : yes
    RevMaryDaniels : When you learn of Gods laws and you do not change your ways God
    RevMaryDaniels : is not happy with you
    RevMaryDaniels : I hope Everyone in my life makes it to heaven
    RevMaryDaniels : and more too
    NoBiz : me too.
    RevMaryDaniels : ANy Prayer request?
    RevMaryDaniels : Gma MAry
    rts617 : we are williing and trying to change our ways
    RevMaryDaniels : ANna and Ray
    RevMaryDaniels : Joshua
    RevMaryDaniels : Carly and Zoey
    NoBiz : lets pray for the church attendence to get larger and larger and pray for randy and jackie. also everyone i
    RevMaryDaniels : Victoria
    NoBiz : *in the church
    RevMaryDaniels : yes and our Church
    RevMaryDaniels : anyone else
    RevMaryDaniels : Dan and Cookie
    NoBiz : that one ladys son, tyler, for him to not get bullied in school.
    rts617 : pray for anna mary ray pray for ruth
    RevMaryDaniels : Yes Ruth
    RevMaryDaniels : I worry about her
    rts617 : me to'
    NoBiz : pray for all of our loved ones in heaven.
    rts617 : amen
    RevMaryDaniels : Lord thank you for this day
    NoBiz : amen
    RevMaryDaniels : thank you for everything you have given to us
    RevMaryDaniels : You know our needs Lord , please lord give onto us as we do for you
    RevMaryDaniels : Be with those who were named tonight
    RevMaryDaniels : Walk with them throughout their days
    RevMaryDaniels : Again Lord thank you , I Pray in Jesus' Name Amen.
    rts617 : Amen
    RevMaryDaniels : Good night everyone see you Rhonda for coffee in the morning . you too Alli
    NoBiz : amen.:)
    RevMaryDaniels : good luck in summer school alli
    rts617 : ok not to strong
    RevMaryDaniels : ok
    RevMaryDaniels : Love all of you good night
    willrollins : goodnigh alllllllllllllllllllllllll god blesssssss
    rts617 : careful ray
    NoBiz : good night and god bless
    rts617 : good night love you anna
    NoBiz : love u 2
    rts617 : love you guys to
    joshua50024 has just logged in
    RevMaryDaniels has just logged in
    RevMaryDaniels : Sorry everyone there was no Bible Study this sunday! See you next sunday!