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    fancythenancy : No, for private rooms you have to invite by name specifically, so for now we're public,
    fancythenancy : I don't think anyone will come in randomly though.
    fancythenancy : Hundreds of user rooms, so I doubt they'd come in here, lol
    chefmessup : ok..that will make it easy for everyone to get started
    fancythenancy : Yeah, I posted the link, so hopefully they'll see it and join us.
    fancythenancy : I'll leave it up and open, but I'll be reading for school here and there.
    chefmessup : can you send the site to everyone at once?
    chefmessup : what are you reading for school
    fancythenancy : Currently I'm reading about product placement history.
    chefmessup : hmmmsounds exciting...I hated reading when I went to culinary was all so boreing
    fancythenancy : I get to read about 200 pages every week, it's getting old.
    chefmessup : how much longer do you have to go...
    fancythenancy : A year or so
    chefmessup : are your clases broken up into different sections
    fancythenancy : No, I just take what I need to take whenever it's available, lol.
    fancythenancy : I'm doing it all online through the university here.
    chefmessup : wow...that makes it can work and do school together
    fancythenancy : I only work a few hours a day, when Im not doing school work.
    fancythenancy : My boss is nice enough to let me skip work when I have school stuff to work on.
    chefmessup : man! he is a very nice boss
    chefmessup : where do you werk
    fancythenancy : Westlake Events, we collect money for charities.
    chefmessup : interesting...I am retired right health is not good so I am werking on getting better with the hope I
    chefmessup : can go back to werking a few hours
    fancythenancy : Im waiting until my husband can bring home the bacon, I want to start a family, lol
    fancythenancy : I'd much rather be a stay at home mom than work.
    chefmessup : LOL...I werked so much trying to get my boys raised until I miss it a lot
    fancythenancy : I've barely worked at all, lol. I just started this job on Monday, my last job was in 2009
    chefmessup : well you will enjoy working
    fancythenancy : ]Depends on where I end up working, lol
    chefmessup : just look for the jobs that intrest you
    fancythenancy : The things I'm interested in doing don't pay. No one will pay me to sit and chat online ;)
    chefmessup : LOL...I bet you could find a company that would do that ...have you looked for one
    fancythenancy : Nah, not yet. Haven't looked for anything while in school, though this next year I should.
    chefmessup : unless you HAVE to werk...get the job you want....
    fancythenancy : I'll be lucky if I can find something where I'm at. Montana isn't exactly the epicenter of PR
    TZshadow : Did this work
    fancythenancy : I don't know, did it?
    fancythenancy : o.O
    TZshadow : It has been YEARS since I've been in a chat room. LOL
    fancythenancy : I was in one on Tuesday, but it was school related, so not quite the same.
    TZshadow : Well I'm registered and good to go here. I will play with it some more tonight after I get home.
    TZshadow : I have to run to a meeting here in a few minutes and need to get my crap together.
    fancythenancy : haha, alright, see you later on :)
    TZshadow : sounds good. And thanks Nancy. Today was a fun day because of you. :)
    TZshadow : bye sweetie.
    fancythenancy : That's what happens when you're a sentimental fool, you long for those you used to know :)
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