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    JayyLuvYou : hiya
    E2redfield : what's up
    JayyLuvYou : nothing chilin like a villn
    E2redfield : same here
    E2redfield : I'm listening to music though.
    JayyLuvYou : yea
    E2redfield : yep.
    JayyLuvYou : sooo
    JayyLuvYou : i like apples
    chillchill : hi
    chillchill : knock knock knock,,,,anybody home?
    JayyLuvYou : hi
    E2redfield : I'm home!
    chillchill : awwwwwwwww, seems i'm unwelcome here
    E2redfield : at least I think so
    JayyLuvYou : lol anyone is welcomed
    E2redfield : anyone and everyone
    JayyLuvYou : yesh
    E2redfield : precisely
    JayyLuvYou : 66
    JayyLuvYou : +600
    insaneOcy : Ummmm....What up with the numbers?
    insaneOcy : Hello?
    insaneOcy : Spammer? Are you there?
    JayyLuvYou : l,fao
    insaneOcy : I'm going to start talking to myself, oh wait! There you are!
    JayyLuvYou : lol
    insaneOcy : I was beginning to think I was alone, XD then things would've gotten weird
    JayyLuvYou : ROTFL
    insaneOcy : Sorry, I was IMing
    insaneOcy : Now you've probably left....