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    carolk9 : hi
    reecem777 : hi
    carolk9 : whats up
    carolk9 : well why invite people here then dont talk
    LeFunnieBunnie : Hi..?
    carolk9 : hi bunnie
    innocentPuppet : oh wow
    innocentPuppet : only 3 people
    LeFunnieBunnie : I know right?!
    LeFunnieBunnie : So dead in here
    carolk9 : hi puppet
    innocentPuppet : hi carol
    innocentPuppet : haha bunnie
    LeFunnieBunnie : The sad part is that I got up out of bed for this.
    carolk9 : so where yu both from
    innocentPuppet : haha
    innocentPuppet : im from The Bahamas you ?
    carolk9 : i got out of the pool for this
    carolk9 : im in florida
    innocentPuppet : cool
    innocentPuppet : i stopped watching tv for this ? :o v.v
    carolk9 : well we need to start a party then
    LeFunnieBunnie : From Iowa here. cx
    carolk9 : didnt yu have big storms there yesterday
    LeFunnieBunnie : Yeah, and today. But our family, being that we love the rain, seems to repel any real storms :/
    LeFunnieBunnie : Seriously, we were watching the radar, and there was this giant storm about to come our way and it
    LeFunnieBunnie : completely avoided us all together.
    carolk9 : wow yur lucky
    carolk9 : we havent had anything real bad here
    LeFunnieBunnie : Not the way we see it. I really really love the rain. :c
    carolk9 : yur pretty
    carolk9 : do you got a bf
    LeFunnieBunnie : .-. come on, bro, I'm on here for chat. Not to find a companion. But if you really must know, no I don't.
    carolk9 : sorry for bothering yu
    carolk9 : omg i was only tryin to be friendly
    LeFunnieBunnie : I'm not bothered, it's just there are too many people asking questions like that.
    carolk9 : bye
    insensitiveCrackbaby : <----16. ban me cunts...
    chathour : insensitiveCrackbaby has been banned from this chat room.
    chathour : lover3478 has been banned from this chat room.
    chathour : DaDoc91 has been banned from this chat room.
    Loveisalliwant : hey
    britbrat143 : Hey
    britbrat143 : I'm 14
    Loveisalliwant : cool im 15
    britbrat143 : Awesome c:
    reecem777 : hi
    Loveisalliwant : wyd
    Coolcatbj13 : hi
    Mimiblond : hi