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    SmartMan2013 : Hello Everyone
    SmartMan2013 : This is the How to make money chat
    SmartMan2013 : This is a chat room where you show people how to make plus you can im people gift card codes for sell!
    SmartMan2013 : sell
    RockieStar : wow no one came really
    darren1998 : ok, i have a plan
    darren1998 : #1, get a job
    darren1998 : #2 get your paycheck
    RockieStar : really thts plan number one
    darren1998 : that's it
    RockieStar : thts so easy to do
    SmartMan2013 : HAHAH
    RockieStar : i had a job in second grade
    SmartMan2013 : Yall want to earn money online
    SmartMan2013 : I already did
    RockieStar : im gud, i got all the money i need
    SmartMan2013 : Well sign up here and get money like me
    SmartMan2013 :
    SmartMan2013 : i will screenshot how much i made
    RockieStar : ok
    SmartMan2013 : for proof
    SmartMan2013 :
    SmartMan2013 : theres the proof put the url and you will see how much i made
    RockieStar : you kno not tht much ppl r here right
    SmartMan2013 : yeah
    SmartMan2013 : did you see the proof\