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    ScarletAsher : my mom told her friend a secret of mine
    ScarletAsher : i got really mad
    ScarletAsher : her friend came over to pray over the house
    ScarletAsher : so while they did that i jumped out my window and ran to the nearest outlet
    ScarletAsher : i hung out there for about 2 hours
    EMOguy1234 : wow that bull shit i be pissed as hell
    ScarletAsher : hahah i know
    EMOguy1234 : sometimes i will go out at night when ever one in my house is sleeeping
    ScarletAsher : that must feel good, my one friend walks for hours alone in his neighborhood to clear his mind
    EMOguy1234 : yep
    ScarletAsher : well theres like this pediphile up the street so id rather not get raped hahah
    EMOguy1234 : lol
    ScarletAsher : yah one day he was pulling out of his drive way and i was with alot of my friends
    ScarletAsher : and he drove behind us and we rode down my hill really fast to out houses lol
    EMOguy1234 : lol
    ScarletAsher : yah some scary shit ;]
    EMOguy1234 : one i had i car behide mefor a min or two so i got my phone out and acted like i was calling the cops
    ScarletAsher : hahahha yah we al have those moments, pretending to be on a phone at awk moments
    EMOguy1234 : ikr
    ScarletAsher : so why are u up haha
    EMOguy1234 : cant go to sleep
    ScarletAsher : ah how late do u usually stay up
    EMOguy1234 : hbu
    EMOguy1234 : and 11 or 12
    ScarletAsher : school nights can go anywhere from 11-2
    ScarletAsher : others 12 - 3
    EMOguy1234 : dam some i stay up all night
    EMOguy1234 : but that if i have firends over
    ScarletAsher : yah same haha
    ScarletAsher : i love the night
    ScarletAsher : its more time to think
    EMOguy1234 : ikr
    ScarletAsher : its so much better then the dya
    EMOguy1234 : i hate the day #1 not many clubs are open
    ScarletAsher : huh?
    EMOguy1234 : club
    ScarletAsher : oh you go clubbing?
    EMOguy1234 : ya
    ScarletAsher : oh thats fun yah i dont =L
    EMOguy1234 : u should try its fun some times i dj for some clubs
    ScarletAsher : whoa thats awesome =D must be fun
    EMOguy1234 : yep i get payed some good money
    ScarletAsher : wow, my one friend dj's at a sk8ting rink
    ScarletAsher : kinda lame but yah oays well i hear
    EMOguy1234 : lol i gtg ttyl
    ScarletAsher : ok cyah sometime
    EMOguy1234 : k bye
    ScarletAsher : bbye
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