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    AcaciaCutie : no you never asked
    Perry777 : I am 5' 11"
    AcaciaCutie : im like 5'7
    Perry777 : You lied on the profile.
    AcaciaCutie : nvm i lied im 5'9 my mommy told me
    Perry777 : Well. Regardless, it's 1:42 A.M. and I feel like sleep. I'm going to go eat som sleep.
    AcaciaCutie : no wait she just compared me to my brother -___-
    AcaciaCutie : im 5'6
    Perry777 : has logged out
    EazzyE : Well I believe 4'11 more than the rest of those
    AcaciaCutie : yea my mom is unorganized and i have 4 siblingd
    Perry777 : I lied, I'm just lurking.
    AcaciaCutie : creeper
    Perry777 : Lurk. That's a funny word.
    Perry777 : Lllllluuuuuuurrrrrk.
    AcaciaCutie : ahh im gonna cry
    EazzyE : See dude, now you made her cry
    Perry777 : Well don't do that.
    EazzyE : Should make more cookies
    Perry777 : You can haz Cheezberger.
    AcaciaCutie : ewww
    Perry777 : Okay fine, I'll haz Cheezberger.
    AcaciaCutie : i doont want your food
    Perry777 : Pineapple.
    EazzyE : Kiwi mmmm
    Perry777 : People like grapes.
    AcaciaCutie : water melon
    Perry777 : Watermelon catapults.
    AcaciaCutie : im in love with you and all these little things
    Perry777 : Or trebuchets.
    Perry777 : Well, I seriously should be getting to bed now.
    Perry777 : So... G'night.
    EazzyE : llater!
    Perry777 has just logged out
    AcaciaCutie : we can talk out here now
    EazzyE : If you'd prefer, but people can see it here
    AcaciaCutie : i dont mind people knowing im totz in to youu
    EazzyE : doesnt mean everyone needs to see everything about both of us lol
    AcaciaCutie : oh i guess you right
    purpleisawesome : hey!
    AcaciaCutie : hey
    EazzyE : Hi!
    purpleisawesome : i think all of us guys agree that acaciacutie is beautiful!! right?
    AcaciaCutie : (:
    5150FenderGuitarist : I can agree with that :D
    EazzyE : souper tired
    AcaciaCutie : heyyyyy
    AcaciaCutie : hiii