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    DontTalkToMePlease : And are you gintre?
    skipschyoutube : im gintre
    teamrocket : lol no not gintre
    DontTalkToMePlease : then della?
    DontTalkToMePlease : sandro?
    DontTalkToMePlease : WHOOOO?
    DontTalkToMePlease : Poog?
    DontTalkToMePlease : 4thstreet?
    teamrocket : wrong room sydney we don't heal pokemon
    teamrocket :
    skipschyoutube : hahahaha
    teamrocket : secret identity
    teamrocket : wait why am I making these rooms
    teamrocket : i'm team rocket
    DontTalkToMePlease : Well then can i get some escape ropes and some full heals?
    teamrocket : Yeah you can
    DontTalkToMePlease : *Pays 550 for the escape rope and 500 for full heals*
    teamrocket : prices gone up
    teamrocket : 600 for both
    skipschyoutube : haha
    teamrocket : this store is run by team rocket what do you expect
    DontTalkToMePlease : Oh ok * gives 600 for both*
    DontTalkToMePlease : Wheres meowth?
    skipschyoutube : OH SNAP
    skipschyoutube : CHOODZ IS IN ANIME
    teamrocket :
    teamrocket : looking after the gym sydney
    DontTalkToMePlease : TO THE VIRDIAN GYM!!!! * catches a water type pokemon level 43, Croconaw*
    DontTalkToMePlease : imma name him Bubbles
    DontTalkToMePlease : My butterfrees name is Cara!! My Pichus name is Spark!!
    skipschyoutube : we should mess with baddyclown in anime
    DontTalkToMePlease : *Catches a fire type, level 38, Charmelon*
    DontTalkToMePlease : His name is Blaze~
    DontTalkToMePlease : MODAFUCKA IM COMIN 4 CHU!
    teamrocket : lol ok
    skipschyoutube : xD
    teamrocket : Sydney wanna join team rocket?
    DontTalkToMePlease : After this gym, sure
    skipschyoutube : omg choodz is so dumb
    teamrocket : lol ok look after the mart then. and don't tell anyone about the slowpoke tails
    teamrocket : going to sleep
    teamrocket : laters skips
    teamrocket has just logged out
    skipschyoutube : aww ok
    skipschyoutube : gnite
    skipschyoutube : late T_________________T
    DontTalkToMePlease : WHAT ABOUT THE MATCH!!!!!! >:O
    DontTalkToMePlease : G'night then
    daysandnights : Can I have 3 master balls?