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    LouderThanSilence : Yes, of course ;)
    disconnectX : lol, any 1 frm NY?
    stan15 : stan is bored like a fucktard -_-
    LouderThanSilence : Im From MO ;p
    stan15 : @disconnect n u?
    LouderThanSilence : Do something then, stan xD
    WAKAWAKAFLOCKA : Boredom is a state of mind.
    disconnectX : deep WAKA
    stan15 : lol what just go n walk naked around the neighbourhood while screaming YOLO
    disconnectX : do it!!
    WAKAWAKAFLOCKA : You Obviously Lack Originality- YOLO
    stan15 : LMAO dsconnect....hahaha plus it freezing like shit out godone waka
    stan15 : good*
    disconnectX : what do u recommend WAKA?
    subgirl2113 : IM me
    LouderThanSilence : I Think you might get arrested O.o
    stan15 : lol nope uk changed the law about that ths its practically legal now
    WAKAWAKAFLOCKA : Not if you're faster than the police.
    disconnectX : its no fun untill someone needs bail $$
    LouderThanSilence : uhhhh, this chick is IM me and telling me about how she has sex with her brother O.o
    WAKAWAKAFLOCKA : Free ballin' should be legal in the United States.
    LouderThanSilence : i said good luck raising that retard baby ;X
    stan15 : LMAO up this shit
    LouderThanSilence : gotta go, im me if you wantto stay in touch! Bye!
    WAKAWAKAFLOCKA : Peace, brotha.
    disconnectX : this is your room
    disconnectX : where u going?? lol
    Lovej1618 : 
    WAKAWAKAFLOCKA : This is Waka's room now.
    disconnectX : nice, hostile takeover
    stan15 : all hail waka :3
    disconnectX : no, lol
    WAKAWAKAFLOCKA : Bow down before, degenerates.
    AlwaysChillBro : sup?
    104Arrows : hello?
    AlwaysChillBro : sup, arrows.
    104Arrows : nm :P
    AlwaysChillBro : cool room right? shit is jumpin
    104Arrows : lol
    AlwaysChillBro : waytosweet, you need some more meat on them bones, girl. too skinny
    104Arrows : shes not that bad :P
    AlwaysChillBro : i know, but a lil more meat won't hurt. i feel as though that she'd break like a toothpick
    stan15 : LMAO always rofl epic shit
    izzy0990 : so we
    izzy0990 : are being naughty here
    slave21greece : 21 greek guy im me if interested ;)
    LouderThanSilence : yes, everyone join ;D
    24Soldier : so its a cock fest in here
    jeb43jr : ok
    AlwaysChillBro : i just came here, because i was bored lol