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    FaizeHannya : and I'd not of lost my good mood
    onlyhope22 : im sorry.... im idiotic....
    FaizeHannya : your lucky I'm not in Cloquet right now Hope.
    onlyhope22 : im in duluth... not cloquet.....
    FaizeHannya : Yes but I can drive
    FaizeHannya : and Duluth is only about 30 mins from Duluth by car
    FaizeHannya : Cloquet**
    SoraNoSky556 : hunny
    FaizeHannya : 15 with how I drive on freeways
    FaizeHannya : Sora, your the same boat you reacted to him to
    onlyhope22 : wow....
    SoraNoSky556 : sorry
    FaizeHannya : Sora, do me a favor. next time don't react to him at all
    FaizeHannya : just go into his profile and ignore him and it will all end right then
    onlyhope22 : mkay.....
    FaizeHannya : if I was up there Hope. I'd of come stopped you from that crap in person
    SoraNoSky556 : okay
    FaizeHannya : and yes Sora. Hope and I are in the same state
    FaizeHannya : Shes in Duluth.. I'm in Minneapolis. But I been nearly all over this state
    FaizeHannya : and if I had my Camero right now and the fucking heater worked.
    FaizeHannya : I'd been up there in nearly an hour and a half
    FaizeHannya : mostly coz on freeway when nearly no ones near I normaly do over 90 mph
    onlyhope22 : XD
    FaizeHannya : Hey I have a Camero after all and its a Street raceing modified car
    FaizeHannya : if I really wanted to on freeway I could go over 120
    FaizeHannya : Downside its fucking winter.. cold as fuck and gets colder the further north
    FaizeHannya : and the heater don't work for shit.. I'd be an icecube when I get up there
    SoraNoSky556 : walks out
    onlyhope22 : sora! come back in here!
    SoraNoSky556 : runs orr
    SoraNoSky556 : off
    onlyhope22 : -runs after sora to catch him-
    SoraNoSky556 : looks down
    onlyhope22 : sora.,.... i love you... you know that... sheesh.....
    SoraNoSky556 : i love you too
    SoraNoSky556 : looks down sorry
    FaizeHannya : *walks up and slowly looks at the two of them*
    onlyhope22 : stay offf my profile ok? I can be trusted -_-
    SoraNoSky556 : i'm not on it
    onlyhope22 : well.... someone was....
    SoraNoSky556 : look i'm to go i need to go to the hospital
    FaizeHannya : Hope no one should and if anyone does again tell me and I will give them a little suprise
    onlyhope22 : why?!?! why do you need to got he hospital......
    FaizeHannya : *stays out of it*
    onlyhope22 : sora, answer me.... please.....
    FaizeHannya : ...
    FaizeHannya : great now I gotta deal with this
    FaizeHannya : Sora What is going on..
    onlyhope22 : shit shit shit shit
    onlyhope22 : sora cut himself... deeply..... damnit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!