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    leggyally : we match
    ysa711 : yup
    leggyally : hope yer wearin a short skirt
    legs1st : I hope your both wearing short skirts. :)
    ysa711 : i am ;)
    leggyally : cool
    legs1st : your both gorgeous.
    leggyally : i love wearin' 'em
    ysa711 : me too :)
    leggyally : i wear 'em at work 5 days a week
    legs1st : and it makes everyone at your work hot.
    ysa711 : good for you.. i only wear them when i dont have class
    leggyally : terry you can tell me how short you want me to wear mine
    legs1st : I like it as short as you can get away with.
    legs1st : and heels with it...
    ysa711 : lol.. that sounds hot ally
    leggyally : indeed missy
    leggyally : cold in uk need tights
    ysa711 : whoa, you got some love of your life ally?
    leggyally : from my cats
    leggyally : i am single
    legs1st : nice.
    legs1st : i like the sound of that...
    legs1st : leggy AND single.
    ysa711 : oh i see
    legs1st : if i had my way, your skirt would be short enough to be non-existent.
    legs1st : show as much of those legs as you can.
    leggyally : we both do
    legs1st : yeah, two ladies showing off their legs...
    legs1st : thats what this room is about, right?
    leggyally : ysa tells me what skirts to wear
    legs1st : she has great taste.
    ysa711 : you look even better without the skirt ally
    leggyally : ysa? manners
    ysa711 : haha all legs
    leggyally : green
    legs1st : ??
    1hemlyne has just logged out
    leggyally has just logged out
    kanye09 : hey sexy
    catchtony : wow heavens
    catchtony : sorry if my entry was sudden
    SimonCurtis2013 has just logged out
    just4sexonly : hiiiiiiiiiiiiii
    first2cu : hey the miniskirt is back in fashion for this year - you should be happy
    leggyally has just logged out
    michellecuisses has just logged in : hi : wearing a miniskirt now : short skirt here