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    4thStreet : Yes but thats a risk we must take
    4thStreet : We will miss them
    4thStreet : Mostly KFC
    4thStreet : It will be missed
    BaconBalls : So we could put them into their own districts until they go extinct.
    BaconBalls : I will have secret police monitor their population and make sure they aren't repopulating.
    AngSyp0101 : Heya people.
    BaconBalls : That way those industries have time to change and there is no loss.
    4thStreet : Yes
    4thStreet : We are devolping a master plan
    TsubakiXNakatsukasa : hihihihihihihi
    4thStreet : Adolf would be proud
    BaconBalls : I would like it if the world collapsed, but it would be better if humanity advanced.
    BaconBalls : Not concentration camps, districts for them to live until their life expectancy is timed out.
    andabeverage : Hey
    4thStreet : Humanity cannot advance for much longer
    4thStreet : We have drained this planet of all the resources
    BaconBalls : I'm doubting humanity will get their heads out of their asses before it's too late.
    TsubakiXNakatsukasa : FUCK HUMANITY IM AN ALEIN
    4thStreet : It is already too late
    BaconBalls : I don't even know what the point is in me caring.
    4thStreet : We have started a ireverseable cycle
    4thStreet : Of global warming
    4thStreet : Soon enough the light reflected off the ice caps will decrease
    4thStreet : More and more resulting in extreamly high temps
    TsubakiXNakatsukasa : and we reelected obama
    BaconBalls : Fucking government is letting their morals cloud their judgement.
    BaconBalls : With population control we can buy more time.
    4thStreet : But there is nothing that can stop it that we know of
    BaconBalls : We need only people who adress issues and think of solutions.
    4thStreet : We have already started the cycle soon enough we will become like our sister planet
    TsubakiXNakatsukasa : it will all end up with the scorch and we will all have the fflare aside from the people who are immun
    TsubakiXNakatsukasa : e
    BaconBalls : We don't need any more minorities draining our recourses.
    TsubakiXNakatsukasa : also known as munnies
    4thStreet : But it is the minorities colecting the recourses
    TsubakiXNakatsukasa : and the munnies who survive will start a new world
    4thStreet : There wont be a new world
    BaconBalls : Which is why we need to put them into their own districs and hopefully we will last until they die.
    4thStreet : 95% of all animals will die off
    4thStreet : just like the last time soemthing liek this happen
    BaconBalls : 60-70 years.
    4thStreet : Simplest orginisms will live
    4thStreet : And unfortunatly we are a complex orginism
    BaconBalls : We will have them live in their own districts so they can still work.
    BaconBalls : Then when they're old we will retire them and they will be executed.
    TsubakiXNakatsukasa : the flare will take care of the weaklings unfortionatly they will become zombie like things and so it
    TsubakiXNakatsukasa : will b a zombie apocolips
    TsubakiXNakatsukasa : poor people have to read my reteling of the maze runner seiris illl leave now