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Log In : Looks like this place is dead/unused : Guess I'll go back to being a depressed transgirl like usual. woohoo : Hello? : hello : im just going to start talking and if someone reads it and can help, please do : i feel like im going to explode, im in self destruct mode which i recognize : its not the first time : im off all meds and i am 7 months sober (alcoholic) : i havent eaten meat in 4 years either and today i was like F* it, it probably sounds lame : i know : but i just feel like i wanna eat some meat, drink some liquor, and maybe pop some pills : if i wake up with food poisoning or something oh well : but these arent my issues , these are just my self destruct methods : i have so much stress in my life that is not in my control, : and the one person who i usually turn to has decided to fight with me about one of the : dumbest things ever!!!! : i feel like if i break up with him, its just as dumb a reason as why he is mad : so mad he doesnt even want to speak to me : like wth, over a freaking hair cut!!!!! : 12 12 : hello
    stepherzzzz : hey everyone....
    stepherzzzz has just logged in : i have a very hard time trusting people, so im going talk to you because you dont know me : i get scared you'll leave me soon : so im trying something new bcus i have tried everything else : i have gone and seen councelors but it doesnt help. i have even gotten on there pills and that made it : hello : hello : my wife always keeps on complaining over nothing : and tries to prove me bad person : for example, she turned a simple conversation into a big fight today since I said something.. : like my mother is ..etc.. : and then she turned it upside down saying that you are very selfish persoh : whereas i only accidenly said it as 'my mother' this time.,. : i always say it our mother otherwise : this would be one such example : there are several such cases : i feel very emtionally stressed over this : what should I do
    anilgeorge786 : hello : hello : anyone? : :( : hello? : hello : anyone here : i guess this chat is a no go with no one here to help : Hello?